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Tiring the heart--
mountains and ocean
too much beauty

questing towards the Sun
garlic sprouts thrust into Spring
as the snow retreats


crystals and bare branch
obvious need
Spring at work, soon
krystaller og nøgne grene
indlysende behov

Forår på arbejde, snart
From the gray gravel,
Lifeless, hard and crumbling--
Billowing green plants.


rapt as Narcissus
gazing into the pool's depths
blue heron, stalking

Still as a statue
Merging into the brown leaves--
The Easter Bunny?

..the welcome

calm befriended,
a symphony of petals
fans our capes
and our bemused smiles
welcome this garden sublime
..Copyright 2005/2011/2015 Spiros Zafiris
..channeled; spirit Ram

NOTE: previously tanka was entitled: Tanka..petals
1st in Sketchbook6_4, Jly-Aug 2011

a shilfie  -
sae colourfou
a expeck it tae threip

a chaffinch  -
so colourful
I expect it to speak

..cheer, cheer

spur on,
the lavender's thrusting call
mere no contender
in the parochial garden—
but cheer, cheer, this forthrightness
..circa 2011..©2011/2015 Spiros Zafiris
..channeled; spirit Harmony
..Note: previously, poem was entitled: Tanka..cheer, cheer

Flying through the fence
Robin chases his lover
(Who just won't be caught)

..sombre shoot

sombre shoot,
speak of it to me—
each time
the earth surrenders
teach me beloved
.circa 2013..©2015 Spiros Zafiris
..channeled; spirit Ram; reaching into the poet's mind

White petals drops
to a patchwork
of mixed emotions

Hvide kronblade falder
til et kludetæppe
af blandede følelser
Errant maple leaf
Pokes its head out of the bush:
"I'm a tree!" it shouts.

..days after

well into spring,
frightfully I worry
ballpoint, I plea,
let us once more honor
our season of breath
..FRI/Apr.19/2013..(C)2013 Spiros Zafiris
..channeled; spirit Harmony; reaching into the poet's mind
spring dawn 
birds revved up
like cars at a light

(Cross-posted at But Wait, There's More!)

Blinded by the ice on the pond
I hoped on spring


in a pot on the windowsill
waiting for the spring

Diana Teneva

Saturday mornıng…

Saturday mornıng…
the daffodils drooping
with snow

Diana Teneva


we'll be slippering it
to the store
for now, I'll praise
these heavy boots and smile
..Tuesday, March 5, 2013..(C)2013 Spiros Zafiris
..channeled; spirit Harmony

All though
in the mist of Winter
Mother Earth
show hers impatience
Snowdrops and Winter Aconite
to show her trust in Spring