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Tiring the heart--
mountains and ocean
too much beauty


breezy hammock night
a rosy cloud blooms
petal by petal

so sudden this sky
a tease of bright ribbons
subdued into blue

is it the sky's
unceasing motion
that brings its peace?


Vida said...

So beautiful!

diana l. said...

Thank you, Vida.

Pan Haiku Review said...

so sudden this sky
a tease of bright ribbons
subdued into blue

This is fantastic!

It feels both a haiku and a tanka.

There are quite a few Japanese female tanka poets who don't use the equivalent of the Western five line format.

A brilliant poem!


David said...

These are just wonderful diana. You have moved onto another level with these.

diana l. said...

Thank you, Alan. Can you give me their names so I may look into their work?

And thank you, David. Once again, it is during the most difficult times that I am able to discern the most meaning in nature.

Pan Haiku Review said...

You might be able to buy this book new or second hand from abebooks: