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Tiring the heart--
mountains and ocean
too much beauty

spring cleanup
last letter of my sister
before her death

For my sister Ate Nena,
who passed away last year


diana l. said...

A poignant find. I'm sorry for your loss, Vic.

Vic Gendrano said...

Hi Diana,

Thanks! I was trying to clean my junkyard desk and came across her letter. Since I was not able to attend her funeral (we are oceans apart), the feeling of pain and regret are palpable and very much heightened. I don't even know at this point what to do with her letter...

Vida said...

Hi Vic,
I don’t know if it’s going to help but…I have a letter like that from my grandfather. It stays in a box with some old things that we rarely need. Every time when I come across that letter, I read it, I cry and I smile. In that order:) And every next time, the smiling comes more easily to me. Reading the letter, I remember how much my grandfather loved me and I feel lucky. It sounds like cliché but it’s a simple truth- this love did not go anywhere, I grew up with that love, it’s part of me :)

diana l. said...

That sounds like great advice to me, Vida. An irreplaceable letter deserves to be kept.